There have been two news items recently that have really annoyed me. First, Andy Harris, a newly elected Congressman from Maryland was whining about his health care insurance not being in effect immediately. The man is a doctor and he's complaining about lack of health insurance? Who voted this idiot into office? 40 million Americans don't have health insurance and he complains about going without for 1 measly month and he still qualifies for COBRA. I'll bet he's never gone without medical care nor have his 5 kids. How many of the rest of us have to forgo medications that we need because we don't have health insurance? Or gone completely without healthcare because we don't have health insurance? With people like that in office, healthcare is a privilege for Americans, not a right.
The second is the protesting of Elizabeth Edwards' funeral. What do these people think they're doing? Evidently, their parents forgot to teach them good manners. It may be lawful to protest, but the fact of doing so is unethical, not to mention bad manners, and just plain rude. Leave the family of Elizabeth Edwards alone! She went through enough when she was alive. Let her go to her rest in peace, and let her family grieve privately. Those members of the Westboro Baptist Church ought to be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.
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