Saturday, April 23, 2011


We've had chickens for several years here in Wyoming.  At the moment we have New Hampshire Reds, Barred Rocks and a couple of Arcunas.  They're excellent layers and have easy going personalities for the most part. The rooster isn't aggressive at all, which counts for a lot in my book, but not so much in my spouse's.  He prefers roosters who stalk you and then attack from behind. 

Steve built our coop and insulated it very well so the chickens continue to lay, even through our very long winters. He is in charge of cleaning out the coop, which he faithfully does on a monthly basis, and feeds and waters them.  We alternate getting the eggs, I do it during Daylight Savings Time and he does it during the winter, although in the fall I seem to be filling in quite a bit during hunting season.

Recently, on my egg gathering, one of the Barred Rocks was sitting on a nest.  We don't brood our own chicks and none of our hens has tried to set. I usually just move the hen aside and take the eggs.  However, this time, the hen wasn't going to budge. She peeked me, harder than necessary, I thought, but still refused to give up her seat. I managed to get a few of the eggs under her and then she bit me!  I have never in my life been bitten by a chicken! Thankfully they haven't any teeth. She bit hard enough to leave a bruise. I still managed to get all the eggs because once she bit me, she left the nest on her own. I was too shocked to do anything at all for a moment or two. 

I suppose I'll have to be more wary in future egg gatherings.  It just seemed so out of character for these chickens.

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